Jun 07, 2022
Introducing the Plaen blog: Intersect
Hey! It's been a while! We got some updates, some changes and hopefully something new to announce!
What have we been up to...
RAGHAV AND I WANTED TO START out by thanking those who checked out our Tiktok and Instagram. We worked hard to learn the technical process of making great video content and more over crafting great story telling.
We also have been busy with R&D as we gear up to launch our first product. It has been great learning about material sciences and how different materials come together to build a great experience. We have also been trying to work with manufacturing partners to try and translate what we have learned into the sort of productivity-focused products we would want to use on a daily basis.
And even though we like to think we have a pretty good eye for aesthetics, Raghav and I sometimes struggle with picking up on the finer details that seperate good products from great ones. So recently, we picked up some great books on design to immerse ourselves and get inspired as we study more about design at tablet:
- Dieter Rams: The Complete Works. Probably one of the most influencial industrial designers of the 70s, Dieter Rams in my mind set the standard for what minimalism could mean. This book covers in detail the products he designed and their impact on the industry.
- Apple (2016). This was on my list for a while. I am a huge fan of Apple products. I love that their design just comes together. I looked for months for this book, so when I got to purchase this one, I didn't wait. It's amazing to see the details of how various apple products were crafted from the first colored iMacs right up to the introduction of the Apple Pencil.
- Logo Modernism. Great book on logos spanning from the 70s-90s. Lots of instances where we found current logos are just remakes from past logos. This book is really great for conceptualizing shape and has been heavily influencial in how we shaped our logo.
What changes are coming
We are still commited to making some great video content. We have built new skills and explored new processes in an effort to bring better story telling in our videos.
It also means we have invested in some new gear to help us make better quality videos. Take for instance our camera situation. After using a Sony a6300 for quite a while and really perfecting its usage, we decided it was time to bump up to a full frame: enter the Sony A7IV. So far we have been impressed by, not only the full frame sensor's ability to provide better picture and color quality but also the whole host of usability improvements that we had on a wish list with the a6300. Bravo Sony!
Photo credit: Digital Photography Review
In the coming weeks you should see a marked improvement in quality of our videos from a production quality and story telling perspective.
Raghav and I also have realized that there is some productivity-focused content that works better in a written smallTablet. And that's why we have started this blog! We want a better place to capture what we are up to. But also to capture resources and tips that we find useful and share them in a meaningful way. In this way, we can share more beyond that of a 30 second instagram story. We are hard at work collecting ideas and plan to share some stuff in the coming weeks.
So...what in the world are you working on?
Great question! Thanks for asking!
As mentioned before, Raghav and I have been busy working on some product development. And while we are new to this entire process, we are aggressively working towards getting a product revealed soon.
We are currently in final stages with our manufacturer and are almost done with a production grade sample. We both felt that it was important to have the pipeline locked down in advance to avoid any delays in fulfillment once we launch. So then it becomes a matter of hitting the GO button and getting everything made.
Be sure to stay subscribed on our social media as we reveal some sneak peeks on what we have been working on.
...And if you have read so far, we want to thank you!
We wanted to thank you for getting all the way to the end. Raghav and I have made it a goal to try and give some sort of resource that we found of interest.
This week, we selected some of our top picks for wallpapers from artist focused on tablet scapes: whether out in the wild or the jungle of the city. Check them out!